Surfing the Wave of Digital Beauty Innovation
Augmented-reality lipstick shopping. Online skin diagnostics. Smart hairbrushes. The beauty business has become one of the most tech-dominated industries, and our teams at L’Oréal are always looking to sharpen the digital edge, recently announcing a partnership with Station F, the biggest startup campus in the world.
Yet, there would be no digital transformation without leaders like Marcio, Chief Digital Officer, the L’Oréal Active Cosmetic Division (ACD), Brazil. Many savvy business leaders rely on their instincts. Like some of the best surfers in the world, they smell something special in the air before the rest of us do. They feel it. And they go for it. Ruthlessly. Tirelessly. Fearlessly. It’s also analogous to the digital innovation work we do at L’Oréal and the skills needed to bring disruptive and breakthrough services to market.
Being an entrepreneur and a surfer himself, Marcio shares with us his journey of learning to ride the digital beauty innovation at L’Oréal.
In a nutshell, what does your role as Chief Digital Officer for ACD, Brazil, entail?
My job is to enable my ACD team to develop their digital skills and mindset so they connect consumers to our brands through digital. For example, understand the consumer journey from discovery to purchase when they are looking for beauty products and make sure they discover ACD’s dermatological offers. Speaking about functions, I am in charge of CRM, E-commerce, Digital Marketing & Digital Upskilling.

How did you get into surfing?
Before I joined L’Oreál, I worked in 3 different branches of a Swiss pharma company for 11 years. I knew L’Oréal would be much different and I need to reset, so I participated in a program called Watermen, which was about how to live and work purposefully, learning about myself through the ocean, waves and bodysurfing.
Why did you choose L’Oréal?
L’Oréal has been a “red bull” in my professional life. Before coming here I thought I was fully busy with my day job. But here, I learned one can do much more and find energy within the L’Oréal’s culture and teams. The pace here is intense and once you are trained to flow with it, there’s abundant energy to seek even more. You are surrounded by very smart, energetic, ambitious and though-provoking people. We’re challenged all the time. Sometimes it might cause some discomfort, but it makes you grow a lot and faster than in any other company I’ve worked at!

At L’Oréal we pride ourselves on entrepreneurial. How do you experience this spirit on an everyday basis?
We are creators here… When I was in Vichy, I loved the L’Oréal metaphor of ‘the poet and peasant’, because we have times of inspiration, creativity, but also we are always reminded that an idea only gains value when it is executed — meaning we get our hands dirty and do it. As a company we have grown by creating innovative products, creative campaigns, exploring new channels. For my team, this translates into creating new stuff all the time, such as content sites, CRM platforms, e-comm. sites, brand communities, YouTube channels.
Also, after being part of L’Oréal for 3 years, I was inspired to set up my own business. Top2You.net is an online mentorship startup, which I started with my friends. I was very much inspired by examples L’Oréal colleagues from other countries who had their own business. Mine is just year old but it teaches me all the time how to do business with very little money and a lot of creativity.

Tell us some of your favorite projects you have worked on in L’Oréal?
This one is a little older, but a very challenging project for my team was to make Vichy big in sun care. In 2014, tinted products were growing in demand but were not the biggest subcategory. Nevertheless, we trusted our capability to make it better and more relevant. To boost the campaign online, we created the first bundle of video and Facebook app for e-sampling where users would invite friends to test our product. The campaign was also supported by digital influencers and dermatologists. It was called “Spread more beauty”. Instead of the typical anti-cancer sun care campaign we explored the message of spreading the word of caring and beauty via video. This video reached +4,5M people and the brand became the #1 tinted SKU in less than 2 years!
Second one is more recent, it is our CRM program. This program is an Omni channel loyalty program, bringing together online and offline. Consumers gain points by purchasing our products, sharing data and interacting with us in social media. It has now 500K users, 160k beauty profiles, we have sent +5M personalized emails per year and generated +2M euros in turnover. In 2018 we are upgrading its system to make it even bigger.

There are 34+ iconic brands in L’Oréal brand portfolio. What is so unique about ACD?
In my opinion ACD does a fantastic job by combining healthy and beauty, and ensuring every product has a very high level of proven efficacy. Our partnership with dermatologists has been really unique and crucial. We also have scientific boards to discuss and co-create new products. Moreover, in Brazil we have +200 medical representatives reviewing our products with them every day, learning their needs, gaining feedback and presenting our innovation.
What’s your most memorable surfing experience?
It was the day I entered the sea with four professional surfers. It was just the five of us in the water. The waves were as tall as 3–4 meters and I was scared to death, but I knew my training/ practice/ skills have equipped me to safely go in and out the water. I took a deep breath, swam until the outside (where you catch a wave) and then surfed out. It was amazing that when I dived to pass a wave, everything would get as dark as night because of the amount of foam produced by the wave and the depth I had to go in. It was very exciting to face and overcome my initial fear.
How do you think your hobby makes you better at your job?
The way you surf reflects the way you live your life. The ocean is just like life, it is a beautiful, unpredictable and even a risky environment which, nevertheless can offer great joy and learning. Mastering surf skills is as important as learning to ride the wave as it unfolds — intuitively, just like any other job. Waiting patiently and actively positioning yourself in the best spot for the best wave is just like preparing yourself for that important project or next step in your career.

What are the three key lessons surfing has taught you that you apply in your day to day job to innovate?
Environment, intuitive reading and finding the best spot: you have to observe the environment — that upcoming wave, feel the rip currents beneath the surface, sense the wind, move around to find the best spot.
Test, FAIL and learn: you have to try a new move outside the water, then in water, then fail, test again, observe, adjust and practice until you reach that perfection.
Patience: be patient and wait until the right wave comes instead of trying to catch every wave. Choose the right battles, go after the BIG opportunities.
What are 3 key leadership lessons you have learned from surfing that helps you to be a better leader every day at L’Oréal?
Intention & Action: alignment of intention and action is crucial. Waves are abundant just like ideas or projects, but when I take a decision to ride that one, I have to jump in and put all my energy and feeling to enjoy that ride to the fullest. The same comes to my team and the way I lead. When I commit to an idea or project, I want to give my best and enjoy it.
Always vigilant: in such an ever-changing world I must be fully aware of everything (consumer, competition, technological environment, regulation, etc.) and actively position myself to take advantage of an upcoming opportunity. It’s just the same in surfing, to be very aware of your surroundings, from checking the wave size, tide, water temperature, wind, sun and currents before getting into the water.
Minimum effort with maximum results: have you ever observed a dolphin? It makes a strong kick and slides. With such a small tail fin, they can reach up to 60km/h. We must learn to flow after strong strokes. Learn to flow, observe results, learn, adjust. No need to paddle 100% all the time, this is not productive. By the way, I measure everything I can when I surf. In 2017, I surfed 70% of the days, I know my GPS position of all surf session I caught.
Have mentors: in the sea, my trainer is the Fishman — Henrique Pistilli — and Joao Aranha, a local surfer of Copacabana. Henrique has surfed the world largest waves, just wearing fins and a Speedo. He shows me how limitless one can be. Joao taught me how to surf Rio’s most dangerous wave — Shore Break. At L’Oréal I have also a couple of mentors, who have taught me how to navigate L’Oréal, another one who trains me to big business reviews and others who push me beyond my limits.
What are 3 fav spots you have surfed?
Hawaii, the north shore… Banzai
Noronha, Brazil — Cacimba do Padre
de Janeiro — Copacana Shore break
What’s one word of advice you have for someone looking to join L’Oréal digital?
“This journey here is 1% finished.” We are just beginning, we have advanced fast and we are keen to speed it up even more. We aim at bringing people who want to join this “under construction” area. Nothing is set in stone and you can take your role way beyond your job description.
“Learn more, know less.” Things are evolving so fast that we look for savvy learners. People who are naturally curious.
Finally, some additional characteristics I look for in our new team members are: empathy for colleagues & consumers, resilience & perseverance, creativity and sense of urgency.
Sitting on my board between the sets, it takes 1,000 waves, or 10,000 hours, to become a master at anything. It’s also analogous to the innovation we do at L’Oréal and the characteristics required to bring disruptive and breakthrough services to market. If you are eager to work with highly motivated and very talented small teams who have to navigate the powerful and unpredictable waves of the future of beauty innovation, this might be the sign you have been looking for.