9 Insider Tips From a L’Oréal Talent Aquisition Director

Beauty Tomorrow
Beauty Tomorrow
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2017


When sending off your CV to a company, you rarely have a clue about who recieves it, let alone what that person wants to see! At L’Oréal, offering guidance and visibility into our recruitment process is the best way to help our candidates nail their application. And who best to give that guidance than our recruiters themselves. We caught up with Monica, Talent Acquisition Director for L’Oréal Spain on a Facebook Live for her to share how to get hired at L’Oréal. Well in actual fact, Javier, Recruitment Manager in Monica’s team was ‘interviewing’ her on questions recieved from our candidates through L’Oréal Talent’s Messenger account. We could say Monica got a slight taste of her own medicine…!

What are the best ways to apply to L’Oréal?

The easiest way is to apply on our career’s website. On there you can find all available roles globally. Once you have submitted an application, your details are shared with our recruiters worldwide, and stored online for future opportunities. We also send friendly email alerts on areas which may interest you, if there’s not a job that suits you just now!

You can also apply on LinkedIn, by contacting a recruiter via LinkedIn InMail.

Students and graduates are a key population audience for recruitment at L’Oréal. So we host numerous career events globally, where students can attending one of these events or presentations and meet our recruiters and industry experts. If you do attend, be sure to tell us this in the process, it shows a clear interest in our company!


Finally, Brandstorm is our year-by-year student business innovation competition. Brandstorm is one of the biggest global student competitions around, with more than 120,000 past participants. Instead of a marketing competition used by the Group to spot and hire top talent — some 150 former brainstormers are taken on every year — Brandstorm is now an incubator for talent and innovative projects!

Can you and should you get in touch with recruiters?

“Get in touch, being proactive and showing your passion for the role shows recruiters how committed you are!”

Use LinkedIn to meet our recruiters, and chat to them about open opportunities you’re interested in. If appropriate they will schedule a telephone interview, this is a great time to let your personality shine and really connect with one of our recruiters!

Who reads your CV?

Your CV is in safe hands. Safe, human hands

It is read by recruiters, real people and not analysed using algorithms. We’re a quirky bunch and so don’t be afraid to be yourself, meet the guys in my team below!

What are some quick tips for writing a CV?

I would advise a one page CV, simplicity is key! L’Oréal prides itself on our marketing capability. Therefore, a clear, clean CV will stand you out from the rest. Use the same typography, with appropriate use of bullet points and bold text to emphasize points. These simple changes will make your CV much nicer for me and my team to read!

What do you look for in CVs?

Experience is not the only thing that counts. We love to get to know you as a person and what you do outside of school or work is just as valuable! Passions outside of work, can really complement skills needed in the workplace, so don’t be afraid to tell us your weird and wonderful hobbies!

We try to identify what you could do, rather than what you have done, so soft skills that you can’t see on a CV are very important. Your previous field of expertise doesn’t necessarily mean your future will stay in the same one. Our recruiters will still consider you for other roles in different functions if they feel you’re the right match! A tiger can always change their stripes!

What does an assessment centre at L’Oréal look like?

A room where an assesment centre would be held!

In assessment centres, there are generally around 20 people. Along with these, we have a friendly panel of interviewers from our talent aquisition team. To start with there is a L’Oréal presentation, explaining the brands and how the business works. Then each candidate has three-minutes to let their personality shine to the panel.

Finally, groups will be formed and you will have to solve a real business case, and present your ideas.

(Dont worry, unlike tigers, our recruiters don’t bite.)

How can a candidate prepare for an assessment centre?

To prepare, I would practice your 3-minute presentation, this is your opportunity to shine to the talent panel. If you can identify 2/3 key about yourself and practice this it will make this part of the assesment centre much easier for you. It will also help you to convey your unique personality and skills to the panel. If you are clear, consice and friendly I’m sure we will love your 3 minute speech.

How can you prepare for a face to face interview?

Use the L’Oréal website and social media! If you know about our company it shows your enthusiasm to work for us! For example, knwoledge of the structure, the brands, the positions of the different brands and L’Oréal’s competitors, you help you with our questions at interview.

We ask these questions to gauge your interest in L’Oréal, and see your thought process. Regardless of what role you are applying for, an impressive way of showing your knowledge, is to review L’Oréal’s current operations in the field you are applying to, and then provide a critical response on how you would improve/change these.

What should you do after the interviews?

Follow up and be proactive, the process takes time so follow up with your recruiter to get information on how your application is going. This is a good way to be in contact with the recruiter and show your passion. If the recruiter decides you are not the right fit for the role, you can then ask for some helpful feedback.

Facebook live stream with a L’Oréal Talent Aquisition Director



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